The Storytellers Conservatory


Our studio builds working actors for TV, film, and commercials. Our classes are taught by active working actors and casting professionals.
All classes are taught on-camera and students have access to their work from class in their own private google drive folder.

Our job is to make our students masterful storytellers in the specific on-camera acting genres of drama, single-camera comedy, multi-camera comedy, and commercials. We do this through a combination of audition-style prepared reads, partnered scene work, cold reading, and frozen reading. All class material is pulled from network TV or feature films and chosen specifically for each student for a completely personalized approach to their development.

In order to create consistently brilliant acting work, actors need a solid PROCESS for preparing the material, a PREGAME RITUAL for preparing their instrument for delivering the performance as intended, and a REHEARSAL NETWORK of at least six trusted colleagues, friends, and loved ones to rehearse with and put them on tape as part of their prep for every acting opportunity.

In addition to developing our students' process and pregame, we've also built the importance of community into our studio's culture. The last Saturday night of every month is Family Dinner Night, where all our private coaching clients and students come together in fellowship to build relationships that will make the difference in their personal and professional lives.



  • Industry leading on-camera acting training

  • Teachers who care

  • Small class sizes

  • Personalized curriculum 

  • Built-in community culture, A Class Family

  • Industry Master List 

  • Free educational videos, books, and audiobooks

  • Rehearsal Network 

  • Private Google Drive folder 

  • Table Reads 

  • All of our teachers are SAG-AFTRA educators and leaders

  • Creating our own content for film and TV